Children's Director

Children’s Ministry Vision

  • We value:
    • We value equipping children with biblical truths in a fun and creative way that will lead them in a closer relationship with God.
    • We value the gifting’s and the hearts of those who are committed to serving our children.
    • We value a safe place for all of our children in their growth emotionally, physically and spiritually.
    • We value our pastor and leadership and desire opportunities for our children to know and honor them.
    • We value mentoring through relationship and example.
  • Mission:
    • To meet children at their level of development,
    • To teach them the love of Christ and the joy of his forgiveness and salvation.
    • To help them learn the truth of His Word.
    • To encourage their growth within the body of believers.
    • *Jesus is the only way, truth and Life!
  • Vision For Children:
    • That they will know Christ
    • Understand His Word
    • Grow in their spiritual walk
    • Be able to share the love of Christ with others
      During his youth years Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52
      • Jesus grew in wisdom- Relates to intellectual growth
      • Stature- Relates to physical growth
      • Favor with God- Relates to spiritual growth
      • And men- Relates to social growth
  • Children will be taught:
    • The whole truth of the Bible in an age appropriate and engaging manner by qualified teachers so that their hearts are captured by our loving Savior, and so that they are equipped to share their faith with their friends.
  • Families will experience:
    • A community and support by teachers and staff, and will be encouraged to model God’s plan for family. Parents will embrace their role as the primary spiritual teacher in the lives of their children.
  • Children’s Volunteers will:
    • Serve out of a love of kids and of God, and will receive training, encouragement and classroom support that is vital to a thriving ministry.

Job Description - Children's Director

    Partnering with parents to grow disciples through encouraging, equipping, implementing resources and overseeing a Christian education program for children. This ministry is to maintain a focus on biblical teaching by faithfully communicating the Gospel in age appropriate ways.

    “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” 2 Peter 3:18

Responsibilities - Children's Director

  • Answer to, receive direction from, and be accountable to the Sr. Pastor regarding overall job responsibilities.
  • Recruit caregivers (Nursery) and teachers for Sunday School, Children Church, etc.
    • Establish and build relationships with church members for the goal of involvement
    • Recruit and maintain a list of teachers and substitutes
  • Encourage and support caregivers/teachers
    • Schedule caregivers/teachers for each Sunday quarterly or semiannually.
    • Contact teachers the week they teach
      • Schedule caregivers/teachers for each Sunday quarterly or semiannually.
      • Contact teachers the week they teach
        • Be familiar with the lesson, materials and needs
        • Ask what they may need help with to fulfill their task
        • Let them know you are praying for them
  • Provide training for teachers
    • Help them learn how to teach the gospel at every lesson
    • Help them learn how to relate to the children
  • Set up Ministry Teams
    • Keep volunteers apprised of upcoming events
    • Arrange for volunteers to serve at children’s events
    • Arrange for volunteers to help with preparations for children’s events
  • Communicate with parents regarding curriculum to help them reinforce the lessons
    • Be a resource for parents as they disciple their children
    • Be the champion for discipleship at home, which is Children Education’s primary goal
    • Find resources parents can use, communicate resources
    • Send update emails and Grace Kids Newsletter
    • Develop relationships with families through cards to parents and children
    • Develop relationships with Mothers through phone calls and lunches
  • Communicate with elder board liaison
    • Communicate regarding needs/concerns/successes
    • Help establish budget and operate within it
    • Participate in annual (or as determined by elder board) job assessment
  • Purchase/Maintain equipment and supplies
    • Select and purchase curriculum for all Sunday School classes and GIGGL
    • Organize equipment/supplies for all rooms on a monthly basis
    • Make classroom materials available a month before the scheduled date
    • Maintain snacks for pre-school classrooms
    • Pull supplies weekly for teachers
  • Participate in staff meetings led by senior pastor by presenting needs of ministry and receiving feedback
  • Work to ensure VBS is successful each year by gathering and leading a team that will
    • Develop planning calendar
    • Recruit volunteers
    • Publicize program
    • Purchase materials
    • Acquire/order supplies
    • Register participants
    • Plan activities
    • Decorate building/classrooms
    • Organize materials for leaders including making necessary copies and notebooks
  • Communicate to congregation children’s programs using different methods
    • Children’s Brochure/li>
    • Informational Email
    • Family & Children’s Events
    • Children’s Music Programs

Interested parties may email resumes to:

Grace Covenant Church
3402 W Interstate 20
Arlington, TX 76017
Office phone: (817) 419-0900
Office hours: M-F, 9AM - 1PM
